The 60s : the Swinging 60s the frontcover of the Time magazine 1966
Read the whole article entitled 

The 1960s The Decade that Shook Britain
by Kimberley Watson  on this site The 1960s The Decade that Shook Britain by Kimberley Watson

Trailers of movies representing the period 
More about the 60s :-)
Parrafin Winter life in 1963 An overview of the 60s

New documents to broaden your knowledge !
1. Trailer of a movie dealing with Irish immigration
2. An interactive map of immigration in the USA
immigration to the USA
3. Artists and immigration
Artists and immigration

New Terminales   Train yourself CO Mexican immigration ( click on the title) 
The story of a Mexican immigrant
Mexican leaving the US
immigration a myth ?
Are immigrants stealing jobs?
Families divided